

Digital software
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Suzhou Boruck Robot System Engineering Co., Ltd.

Contact number: General Geng 15950183670

After sales hotline: Tang Zong 13862660213

Landline: 0512-50350978-8008

Email: pillar.geng@szboruc.com

Website: www.szboruc.com

Address: No. 488, Qianjin East Road, Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone (Harbin Institute of Technology Robot Industrial Park)

Detailed Introduction
The Strategic Development Trend of Intel...

In view of the strategic development trend of digital and intelligent industrial production, intelligent factories have become the main battlefield of Digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, the necessary path and important engine for the manufacturing industry to build new core competitiveness and lead high-quality economic development. Boruc Robotics provides digital solutions, relying on years of accumulated automation technology and industry experience, and integrating computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, IIOT and other technologies, actively exploring and providing innovative products and solutions in the field of digitization and intelligence, and assisting in the transformation and upgrading of production and manufacturing.

Boruk Robot provides one-stop digital solutions. Through accurate diagnosis of on-site problems in different scenes and full understanding of customer needs, it provides the most appropriate software function combination and intelligent factory solutions. Technological convergence innovation, supply ecological construction, scene application landing and new organizational form change will further accelerate the process of factory intelligence, and promote digital Network chemical factories are fully moving towards intelligent factories.

Intelligent scenario application